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Hourswill - Biografia
Hourswill - Biografia


Bio. em Inglês

Band founded by Nuno Peixoto on drums and José Bonito on guitars during the beginning of the 21st century, and joined by Nuno Damião on vocals a few years later. However, it was just around the end of the decade that the line up problem was finally solved with the entrance of Ruben Chamusca on bass guitar, and the arrival of guitarist Rodrigo Louraço.
During this period, the only recordings were an unreleased demo attempt and a promotional track entitled "The Nothing Divine MMIX”. After years of work, writing music, rehearsing, and playing live, 2013 marks the end of the recording sessions of the first official release and the departure of Rodrigo Louraço followed by the entrance of guitarist Sérgio Melo...


Biografia e passado musical

Os HOURSWILL iniciaram as suas atividades a meio da primeira década do séc. XXI, contando com ex-membros de bandas como Thragedium, Dr. Salazar, Masque of Innocence ou Raven Dust, propõem uma mistura musical contendo elementos do movimento Heavy/Rock, Thrash e Death Metal dos anos 80 e 90, com o caráter experimentalista e progressivo da cena musical dos anos 70.
Após o primeiro registo da banda, o single promocional intitulado "Nothing Divine MMIX", seguiram-se uma serie de apresentações ao vivo enquanto se concluía o processo de gravação do álbum de estreia com lançamento previsto para 2014.

Nuno Peixoto - Drums
José Bonito - Guitar
Nuno Damião - Vocals
Ruben Chamusca - Bass
Sérgio Melo - Guitar